Melinda is dedicated to coaching and mentoring children to help them achieve their goals. Melinda’s Explosive Speed Clinics focus on speed and agility across all sports.

Melinda was a selector for the National Track and Field Team from 2008-2021


 15 & 22 APRIL 2025   

        REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN                                 

Please note due to the current track closure the clinics will be held on the Main Oval adjacent to the Hotel accommodation at Sydney Academy of Sport & Recreation, Narrabeen

Keep an eye out for the MELGT Banner.


Children are welcome to attend multiple clinic dates please note programme will be repeated on each day.





These clinics are not just for track and field enthusiasts but for any child that takes part in an individual or team sport and would like to improve their speed.

My speed clinics include the following areas of speed development.

  • Analysis & correction of running technique
  • Technical running drills
  • Techniques in developing strength and stability
  • All participants will receive a MelGT water bottle

Please contact with any queries.

Melinda’s Term Group Sessions 2025

Term 1:

Monday 3rd February – Thursday 10th April

All Clinic sessions will be held at the Narrabeen Athletics Track – Sydney Academy of Sport & Recreation

Melinda runs her own weekly group training sessions for children aged 6-17 years. These sessions include children from all sporting codes who wish to improve their explosive speed. Please note the 5-6pm session is for high school aged children.

Please note: Monday sessions start at 4pm and 4.30pm due to track being unavailable from 5.30pm.

In addition, sessions run on Tuesday and Thursday at 6.30-7.30pm for adults wanting to work on their technique and/or fitness. Bookings available via link below.

register & pay

Group Sessions are held:


Monday:5pm-6pm. Sessions are for high school aged children


Tuesday:           5-6pm. Sessions are for high school aged children


Wednesday:5-6pm. Sessions are for high school aged children


Thursday:5-6pm Sessions are for high school aged children

Please note each session costs $25 per child. 

Please contact with any queries.